Since making some recent healthier choices, including better exercise, I've been remembering my dreams much better and they seem much more clear than they have since I last wrote about my dreams sometime in 2012. Last night's dreams seemed so real and vivid and I woke up remembering pieces of them so I decided to jot them down while fresh in my mind. My current plan is to restart my dream journal and to also keep writing about them here.
Here is what I can remember of last night's dream.
I'm getting off work and trying to leave the building, but before I leave, I need to use the restroom. I go into a stall but realize that there is a big space between the stall walls and some annoying person that apparently works there too is trying to look into this space and she will not leave me alone. So I pull apart the walls where this space is and walk though it to leave and find another restroom where I can have some privacy.
I'm in my house, which is sort of a mixture of some houses where I lived as a child and places I've lived since. I look out of a front window and notice I can see some of the ocean but it's mostly obstructed by the houses that are across the street. I never noticed before that I can see the ocean from my house. I start to analyze what I see and also realize that if I used a camera with a good zoom I can get a decent view between the houses.
I'm driving along the coast in the evening, but I'm not necessarily in a car. I sort of feel like I'm not in a vehicle at all, but just moving along. I then notice that I'm also moving through the water since a wave must have washed over the road, yet I still feel mostly safe and I'm also enjoying this feeling. As I look around, I realize no one else is around and I wonder if I really am safe, so I turn left onto a small road so I can get on dry ground again, but the water begins to wash over this road too, but just very gently and this feeling of moving along without a vehicle while also floating/skimming across the water feels very exhilarating. I want to explore this fun water world but not sure if it is truly safe.
I'm back in the same house as earlier and I wake up. Now I'm awake in my dream as I try to do some of my usual routine. (Although I would not consider myself to be lucid at this point because even though I woke up inside my dream, I still was not fully aware that this was a dream world) I remember some of the really crazy and vivid dreams I had earlier and try to write them down with a pencil, but can't seem to make the pencil work properly. I have trouble actually making words. I look around my room and realize that I can rearrange most of the furniture and make it more functional. As I'm planning and rearranging in my head, I notice a strange little creepy large insect on the floor. It scares me at first and my first thought is to whack it, but as I start to observe it more, I look into it's eyes and I then realize it isn't an insect but it's a little soft gray cat.
I then walk out into the kitchen area and proceed to weigh myself as I do every morning. I have a lot of trouble getting the scale to work properly and I'm perplexed as to why. Then I notice that the scale is sitting on top of a large wobbly stool, which may be the problem. So I move the scale unto the floor and try to weigh again. Now I can't make sense of the display. There's illogical extra digits and shapes in it. Then I notice a dog and I start petting this dog as I look into their eyes. The dog starts talking to me and we have a nice conversation, then I realize the scale is turned around the wrong way and I was trying to read the display backwards. So I rotate the scale and try to weigh again. This time, it still makes no sense, so I decide to just try it later.
Sometime shortly after this, I woke up for real.
Here is what I can remember of last night's dream.
I'm getting off work and trying to leave the building, but before I leave, I need to use the restroom. I go into a stall but realize that there is a big space between the stall walls and some annoying person that apparently works there too is trying to look into this space and she will not leave me alone. So I pull apart the walls where this space is and walk though it to leave and find another restroom where I can have some privacy.
I'm in my house, which is sort of a mixture of some houses where I lived as a child and places I've lived since. I look out of a front window and notice I can see some of the ocean but it's mostly obstructed by the houses that are across the street. I never noticed before that I can see the ocean from my house. I start to analyze what I see and also realize that if I used a camera with a good zoom I can get a decent view between the houses.
I'm driving along the coast in the evening, but I'm not necessarily in a car. I sort of feel like I'm not in a vehicle at all, but just moving along. I then notice that I'm also moving through the water since a wave must have washed over the road, yet I still feel mostly safe and I'm also enjoying this feeling. As I look around, I realize no one else is around and I wonder if I really am safe, so I turn left onto a small road so I can get on dry ground again, but the water begins to wash over this road too, but just very gently and this feeling of moving along without a vehicle while also floating/skimming across the water feels very exhilarating. I want to explore this fun water world but not sure if it is truly safe.
I'm back in the same house as earlier and I wake up. Now I'm awake in my dream as I try to do some of my usual routine. (Although I would not consider myself to be lucid at this point because even though I woke up inside my dream, I still was not fully aware that this was a dream world) I remember some of the really crazy and vivid dreams I had earlier and try to write them down with a pencil, but can't seem to make the pencil work properly. I have trouble actually making words. I look around my room and realize that I can rearrange most of the furniture and make it more functional. As I'm planning and rearranging in my head, I notice a strange little creepy large insect on the floor. It scares me at first and my first thought is to whack it, but as I start to observe it more, I look into it's eyes and I then realize it isn't an insect but it's a little soft gray cat.
I then walk out into the kitchen area and proceed to weigh myself as I do every morning. I have a lot of trouble getting the scale to work properly and I'm perplexed as to why. Then I notice that the scale is sitting on top of a large wobbly stool, which may be the problem. So I move the scale unto the floor and try to weigh again. Now I can't make sense of the display. There's illogical extra digits and shapes in it. Then I notice a dog and I start petting this dog as I look into their eyes. The dog starts talking to me and we have a nice conversation, then I realize the scale is turned around the wrong way and I was trying to read the display backwards. So I rotate the scale and try to weigh again. This time, it still makes no sense, so I decide to just try it later.
Sometime shortly after this, I woke up for real.
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"She wakes up in her dream" Digital Art by Stacy Ann Young |