May 15, 2013

About My New Art Site!

This is a small collection of some of the new art on my new site

Here is a little more about my art....

Stacy Ann Young's artwork takes on many forms. From pencil drawings, to paint on canvas, to paint on glass, to digital artwork, Stacy Ann uses her magic to create a new reality, one with it's roots in the real world, but resulting in a slightly altered reality.

Stacy Ann's first gallery on her new official site is her Digital Art Gallery, with each piece starting out as a simple photo, but turned into a scene form another time, or another place, or even another universe.

Stacy Ann's artwork will soon be available for purchase in various sizes and formats, as well as for licensing through her online store which opens soon. She is also arranging for her work to be displayed at several shows throughout Oregon later this year.

But for now, enjoy her work that is on display here, and check in often as more Digital Artwork, as well as Stacy Ann's work in other mediums, will be posted soon!

Also visit and bookmark my art blog with all the latest updates of my work.

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